After years of hemming and hawing over my long (and many times frustrating) HR career, I finally decided to just stop resisting who I really am and decided that my main goal through TRD_HR (The Real Deal HR) is to just actually allow myself to be, do and have more of what I want in my career without apologies, without comparison, and without worries. With TRD_HR, my intention is to put my journey on display by way of as much as a formal process as possible so that I can hopefully find an organized way to share my experience with whoever needs it. Instead of quitting my HR career, I’m using this website as an outlet to practice HR like I wish it was practiced. On TRD_HR, it will be business discipline that is truly focused on aligning needs of employees rather than company interests. Instead of focusing on compliance and legal issues to protect company owner/shareholder concerns, I will focus on helping employees develop themselves into truly satisfied humans at work. I will put all my human resources knowledge that I’ve gained over the past 20+ years towards employees only through REAL DEAL discussions and conversations, explorations with you, while I put my own development out here for everyone to see. I hope to learn a lot with you and hope that practicing HR in this way will allow me be more of myself, which is what I wish for you for the entirety of your career. Let’s get this notion dispelled that being the most REAL you at work is impossible and get down to business.